· Ford CMAX MPV (1119) "The Ford CMAX is a fiveseat MPV, which is good to drive, practical and economical, but it isn't as safe as some newer models"Ford CMax on Fordin vuosina 03–19 valmistama keskikokoinen tilaautomalli, joka perustuu tekniikaltaan Ford FocukseenVuoteen 07 asti mallia myytiin Focus CMaxnimisenäMallistossa se sijoittui pienemmän BMaxin ja suuremman SMaxin väliinBecause of its interior flexibility, space optimization and height of 1642 mm, we classify the Ford Grand CMAX in the category of MPV cars 15 model for sale as new until 19
Ford Grand C Max 1 6 Tdci 115 Fap Occasion De 13 1077 Km Diesel Volkswagen Bymycar Carpentras